Thursday, April 26, 2012

ATI Radeon X1300 Video Card Makes My Computer Noisy!!!?

Hello, I have this ATI Radeon X1300 Video Card, I like it a lot, even though it sometimes flickers the screen when I switch between resolutions, The only problem with this card is that, ITS NOISY!!! The fan is the one which is making the most noise out of this card. I removed the plug for the fan and it seems to improve the noise, but I am just scared that it will burn out my card. Is there a fan for the ATI Radeon Video Card which is EXTRA QUIET, like my Processor Fan, Case Fans, etc. ? Sorry for sounding like a pussy here lol.|||1. Yes, you will BURN UP your GPU (graphics processing unit) having the only fan that is cooling it unplugged!!!! That's crazy!!!

2. If you want a quieter fan, then you need more case fans to exhaust the heat its making out of the computer case! This will lower the air temps inside the case and the fan won't need to go to 100% to cool it down. (this is what I did)

3. You can get third party coolers that are much quieter than the stock cooling solution, but at a price...Check out

4. Plug the graphics card's fan back in or you will burn it up for sure!!!|||The fans on those cards were terrible.....Here is a good replacement if you want to do it yourself.

good luck....make sure you get a nice seat with the new heatsinks....|||you can always replace the fan if it isn't really soldered directly to your vga card. if it's just screwed over, you can use replacement fans or heatsinks for no noise at all. however, heatsinks aren't as good in dissipating heat. you can also try buying a separate vga card cooler. browse this site for some pics:|||Unplugging that little noisy fan will probably kill your video card prematurely as it will overheat.

I have one X1300 installed on my computer (512GDDR2 one), and it's not that noisy. I guess it does get a little noisier when playing games but nothing annoying really.

I guess you could try to find a fan from an old video card and try it out.

Good luck

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